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Accounts Payable Module
STRUCTURECloud’s Accounts Payable module helps you keep track of where your money is going.

Automate the process of keeping track of your cash flow
STRUCTURECloud helps keep track of where your cash is going by automatically posting purchases to Job Cost and General Ledger as well as aging invoices by due date or invoice date for any time period.

The most powerful cash management reporting software available
With STRUCTURECloud, you are able to run cash management reports by job, due date, selected vendors’ invoices or various combinations.

Maintain and Track
You can also maintain sub-contractor records of billing to date as well as contract amount outstanding, lien waiver and insurance expiration dates and track retainage.

Accounting software that makes your life easier
You have the ability to post partial payments, create joint checks and post to multiple general ledger periods in the same batch. The Accounts Payable module allows you to enter the recurring payments for automatic posting. There’s even a vendor note subsystem for correspondence.

Total Access
Access your entire A/P balance and navigate to each and every invoice. The red flashing voucher memo lets you know any important information on the outstanding bill.

Automated vendor file management
Create and manage vendor files, including multiple contacts and discount rates offered by the vendor. Email reports right from your desktop. Keep payables information confidential by limiting access for different users.

Standard accounts payable inquires and reports, including:
Access History by job, G/L, PO, vendor, or check number
Purchase Journal
Cash Flow Projections
Vendor List
A/P Aging
Billing and Payment Histories
Voucher and Check Registers
Aging for a variety of time periods
Learn More about STRUCTURECloud

WorkForce Scheduling
Schedule the necessary resources for all upcoming projects