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Project Management Module
STRUCTURECloud’s Project Management module is the perfect solution to manage project documents, contacts and budget information. Control your entire project in one place.

Track Job Progress
Track your complete job progress from one screen. Access financials, track labor and create custom reports from this integrated, easy to use module. Monitor the project “to do’s” by setting up tasks and reminders. Quickly access the status of Purchase Orders, Subcontracts, and Change Requests related to each job. Review a cost inquiry with "drill down" to detailed budget information. Customize and track Transmittals, Submittals, and RFIs.

Create A Task List
When you get a new job, you can create a list of action items that need to be accomplished for this particular job. Assign tasks to certain people. Set follow up reminders through STRUCTURECloud and export to Microsoft Outlook calendar. Save your lists as templates to be used for every job in the future.

Create Custom Documents
Create custom documents in Microsoft Word with our custom templates that can be automatically populated with your data from STRUCTURECloud. Add additional fields as needed.

Pencil Requisition
Start the process of billing by determining what needs to be billed through a pencil requisition. Determine what needs to be billed by amount or percent complete and send to accounting for billing.

Manage Job Contacts
Manage an address book of every contact needed for each project. You can add new contacts to your address book for each project you work on. It's important that you have a list of people whom you've worked with before, and it's also great to keep track of the businesses or clients you're working with

Integrated with Microsoft
STRUCTURECloud is integrated with Microsoft Word and Excel to further customize your project correspondence. STRUCTURECloud also seamlessly integrates with Microsoft Outlook to easily attach emails right into the document log. Quickly classify, filter and search for job documents in one easy to navigate place.

We realize you might want to control who can do what. With STRUCTURECloud you can limit access to sensitive job and financial information to specific users.