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Accounts Receivable Module
STRUCTURECloud’s Accounts Receivable module helps you stay on top of your incoming revenue.

The most comprehensive management system available
STRUCTURECloud’s Accounts Receivable module lets you view and analyze your cash flow from every conceivable vantage point. Automatically post invoice data from the Job Cost & Billing and Work Order modules, update cash receipts and automatically control retainage.

Keep Track of Your Notes
You can add a note to an invoice when you are in accounts receivable. This might be helpful if the customer has special instructions or if you want to quickly contact them for further information without having to search through their account history.

Create a Customer Database
Create a customer database within the Accounts Receivable module for all of your customer contact information, including: phone number, extension number, cell phone number and email for as many contacts as you need.

View Cash Flow from all Angles
Email copies of invoices and AIA’s right from your desktop, expediting the collection process. Track your company accounts receivable, then navigate down to the past due invoice to get the information you need to collect your cash faster.

The simplest way to protect your data
We realize you might want to control who can do what. With Structure Blue you can limit access to sensitive job and financial information to specific users.

All the inquiries and reports you need, including:
Sales Analysis
Customer Statements
Customer Activity Reports
Customer List
Aging for a Variety of Time Periods
Invoice and Payment History
Commission Reporting
Cash Receipts
Sales Register
Learn More about STRUCTURECloud

WorkForce Scheduling
Schedule the necessary resources for all upcoming projects