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Payroll Module
STRUCTURECloud’s Payroll module helps you know exactly where your employees are and what they should be getting paid!

Take the nightmare out of payroll
Payroll can be a nightmare for any contractor. Employees could have multiple pay types, job classifications, different pay scales, and dozens of compliance reports required by various agencies. The good news is that you can easily set up STRUCTUREBlue to do all of this for you with the click of one button!

Automate everything
With STRUCTURECloud you can automatically post labor to job costs, as well as track vacation, holiday and earned sick time. You have the ability to calculate taxes and deductions, Davis-Bacon and Section 125 deductions and automatically print state tax checks and garnishment checks as part of the payroll run.

Employee Time Options
Track employee’s time from job sheets. Withhold taxes in multiple states within one pay period, and enter payroll for handwritten checks to get it done quickly. Manage your work flow with TimeLinc our all-inclusive mobile app which allows employees to clock in from the field at any location on their schedule no matter what device they are using!

Multiple Functions
Set up the system to automatically manage employee pay rates and job classifications, different tax rates and various compliance reports. Email reports and send direct deposit checks via our BRAINS tool right from your desktop. Keep employee info confidential by limiting access to different users.

The simplest way to protect your data
We realize you might want to control who can do what. With Structure Blue you can limit access to sensitive job and financial information to specific users.

Create a complete employee database, including:
Employee List
Certified Payroll
Workers’ Comp
Monthly and YTD Earnings
Quarterly Taxes
Employee Earnings History
401k Reporting
Time Sheets
Vacation, Personal and Sick Time
Union and Minority
Year End W2’s
Payroll, Deduction and Check Registers
Direct Deposit
Learn More about STRUCTURECloud

WorkForce Scheduling
Schedule the necessary resources for all upcoming projects